"Looking After One Another"
Temple Sinai Appeal
16th September / 13th Elul - Keith Bittle
Kesher is our community group that fosters and responds to Temple Sinai’s value of Chesed (loving-kindness). Kesher is for all Temple Sinai members, not necessarily for the elderly, and assists in providing support and care to our wider community.
The Kesher team recently supported one of our country members, who was on her own with her young child as her husband was overseas. A number of us wanted to make her feel special while her husband was away and that she was not forgotten, being so far away from the Temple Sinai community. We gathered up a personal items for herself and her young child. We sent the package via courier, along with a personalised card, made by our very own Betty.
When it was received, the member was so thankful that we had thought of her and her daughter. As the family is so far away, they are unable to attend Temple Sinai on a regular basis. However, they are wonderful members who “Zoom" into services at Temple Sinai on a regular basis.
To read previous posts, click on the dates below:
A generous gift from 'Roadworn'
Have you heard of Roadworn, an amazing initiative of our very own Harvey Livschitz? Roadworn uses bike parts and crafts them into a unique range of fashionable belts, dog collars, jewellery, and more - and the makers are members of Wellington's marginalised community.
And if that wasn't enough reason to shop at Roadworn, they have just told us that they will be contributing part of their profits to the Temple Sinai Appeal. Harvey says:
"We will give $10 to Temple Sinai for every belt sold until the end of Succoth then 20%, all other products 20% . Just put Temple Sinai in the box at the 3rd step of the checkout process on our website. The 20% deal is ongoing".
We cannot express our gratitude enough to the Roadworn whānau. You can read more about Roadworn and the amazing work they do, and browse their products, by clicking the logo below:
You can also make a direct deposit to Temple Sinai's account: 03-0510-0026534-002.
How will your donation help Temple Sinai?
This week's feature article: Plumbing
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of a Temple Sinai membership, must be in want of modern plumbing".
- Moishe Austen, 2024.
We know it's not the most glamorous of topics, but plumbing is called an essential service for a good reason! We don't think about it when it's working fine, but it sure becomes important when it isn't. This is one of the items on the list of Temple Sinai needs when it comes to fundraising. Your donation can help ensure water comes out of the taps, the loos keep flushing, and everyone is still smiling.
Handy Links for the High Holy Days
A guide to Rosh Hashanah - click here
A guide to Yom Kippur - click here
What does the Torah say about illness, pregnancy and fasting on Yom Kippur? - click here
How to make and braid your Rosh Hashanah challah - click here